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Showing posts from 2012

Lifting Direct Marketing Response

Acquiring customers by incentivising response through customer-centric direct marketing Prospects need a reason to respond WITHOUT the pressure to buy. Hot prospects - ready to go - will of course make contact requesting information to meet their specific needs. However the bulk (warm and cold prospects) will do nothing. Building long-term relationships requires a more customer-centric approach. That is, investing in your prospective customers life time value. The key ingredient is to START relationships from your prospects point of view. So starting a relationship between a brand and prospect requires a commitment to offer ‘something that shows a genuine interest in your customer’ allows the prospect to ‘respond’ to your communication without any pressure to buy. Offering free trials, 30 day cool-off periods etc can sound like a trap in sceptical savvy prospects mind, so offering something without a catch, related to the brand value proposition, but possibly more cu...

Direct Marketing - better creative

Helping business align their Value Proposition to their Customers Having recently attended a seminar that demonstrated a Business Model Tool called Canvas™ it became obvious how little businesses understand their customers when presenting their product offering. It seems that business often have a biased and myopic view of their product/service and how beneficial it will be for customers that 'other' selling challenges are ignored or not considered in the Value Proposition development process. The Canvas business model offers a process to ensure ALL the key elements of a business, product or service are considered so the resulting findings support Customer  Segments needs alongside the final Value Proposition. Making creative more accountable MindWorks has long been aware of the importance of ensuring customers are front-and-centre of any product offering. We refer to better understanding the 'customers nagging need' that the product offering will fulfill. O...

Mobile and Tablet eCommerce; how to get ROI

6 steps to mobile landing page optimisation The rules for mobile landing page optimisation and standard landing page optimisation are fundamentally different. The goals are different. The metrics use to track success of landing page conversion are different. Even the definition of “conversion” is different. Beyond the tech guidelines, here are 6 steps to implement as you create a mobile landing page. 1. Mobile users want instant gratification Mobile users want to immediately call, buy, download or visit. Quick. Quick. Quick. They are not doing research. They want something that will immediately solve their problem. Research shows that 90 percent of mobile searches lead to action.  2. Define your goal Is it lead generation, application download, immediate purchase, phone call generation or coupon redemption? The answer to this question will define the type of landing page you create. In standard (PC) landing page creation, lead-gen or immediate purchase is the most common ...